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Friday, 28 June 2013

My Week & The Quest For My Nanny's Cake

As you may know I have been on the quest for a replica to my lovely Nanny's chocolate cake, the very best chocolate cake I have ever had. So I tried a new recipe yesterday. 

Tasty but too much sugar.

I got a gift card from my Mum in the post which was a nice surprise. I also had a big exam for drug calculations, I don't have the marks back yet but I think it went pretty good. Only a month left on placement and two more exams then it's summer holidays time! Yay!

Friday, 21 June 2013

Placement Update

So I've reached halfway house at my current placement and I've done so many hours there that for the rest of my placement I only need to go in for two long day shifts a week, so it will be quite nice to get a day off that I didn't have before. On placement your hours are meant to average out to 30 a week and I've been doing 3 long days which at my placement is 39 hours so I'm in credit.

I have a drug calculation exam coming up for next week for which we use a program called safe medicate and then after that I have my OSCEs which this year are about administering medication (tablet form) and DR ABCDE possibly including manual blood pressure but I feel fairly confident about these because we've been practising them a lot before classes broke up for placement... fingers crossed!

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Mail Order

I ordered a new duvet set online which came the other day, it was much cheaper than it would have been in the shops so that was good. 

I also ordered a free gardening kit from Anglian Water, it has water saving goodies in and herbs. 

Now if only my book would come from Amazon!

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Tea With Friends

I met one of my very dear friends for M&S tea today after a long trip to the dentist (chore), and it was just lovely to catch up and munch and drink my Earl Grey. 

Also I deserved a sugary teeth rotting treat to have later on for going to the dentist so I got the boyfriend and I some Nerds. I haven't seen them in forever. 

Good times :)

Sunday, 2 June 2013

You Know You're A Nursing Student When...

Ads in the RCN magazine get all scientific, this one made me laugh, I especially enjoyed the graphs. All adverts should have graphs I think from now on. 

You also know you're a nursing student when you grope yourself constantly for your upside down watch before realising it's your day off and you're not wearing your upside down watch about ten times a day, making you look like a lunatic more of a lunatic.

In other news I made peach and raspberry jelly, yummerz.